Below Are This Month’s Top 3 Fundraisers
from ABC Fundraising®

1 . Scratch & Help®
Earn up to 90% profit with No Money Up Front
in less than 2 weeks with ABC Fundraising’s flagship fundraiser!

2 . The ABC Fundraising® Discount Card
Earn up to 93% profit with The ABC Fundraising® Discount Card.
This fundraiser is great for groups with 30 or more members because the minimum order size is 300 discount cards.

3 . Cookie Dough Fundraiser
ABC Fundraising® offers the highest profit of any cookie dough fundraiser! Earn
up to 80% Profit with this FREE TO START fundraiser!

4 . High Profit Snack Fundraiser
Coming in at a close 4th place, our High Profit Snack Fundraiser is a top fundraiser because of its low price point. All items sell for only $8.00 each and you can earn up to 70% Profit! With one of our lowest minimum orders of any order-taking fundraiser (just 25 items), just about any size group can participate. This fundraiser is also a great “Add On Fundraiser” to some of the more popular fundraisers. Request your FREE Order-Taking Flyers Today!

5 . Spinners®
Earn $210 per group member with No Money Up Front! Spinners® is the World’s First Re-Usable Fundraiser with a whopping 97.6% Profit! This is by far the best and most profitable fundraiser in the industry! -Highly Recommended!

6 . Entertainment® Card Fundraiser
The Entertainment® Card Fundraiser has quickly become our most popular fundraiser! With up to 75% Profit, this fundraiser is great for schools, churches, and all types of non-profit groups! With No Minimum Order and No Money Up Front Needed, this fundraiser is perfect for any size group! Get Your FREE Order-Taking Flyers Today or purchase the cards up-front and get a bonus worth over $200!

In 7th place is our candle fundraiser which has the highest profit margin in the industry and in our opinion the nicest looking and best smelling candles!
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This Month’s Top 3 Fundraising Ideas have helped groups all across the USA raise over 50 Million Dollars since 1993.